
company formation in serbia


Citizens of the Russian Federation have been settling in the territory of the Republic of Serbia for years. The traditionally good relations between the two peoples, Serbian and Russian, which share unbreakable historical and spiritual bonds, have made it possible for Russians to adapt very easily to life in Serbia.

This trend of Russian citizens arriving in the Republic of Serbia has particularly intensified since the beginning of the Ukrainian crisis. In the following lines, we will explain what options do Russian citizens have regarding the legal regulation of their residence in Serbia.

The Republic of Serbia applies a visa-free entry regime for Russian citizens. Russian citizens can stay in the Republic of Serbia for up to 30 days. Persons at whose addresses Russian citizens reside, have the obligation to report the foreigner’s residence to the Ministry of Internal Affairs within 24 hours. Landlords are obliged to submit one copy of the Certificate of Residence, so-called a “white card”, to Russian citizens, which they will need when regulating all procedures in the Republic of Serbia.


The answer is yes. If they wish to stay in Serbia for more than 30 days, Russian citizens have the possibility to submit a request for obtaining a temporary residence permit. Submitting a request for a temporary residence permit is not conditioned by the previous acquisition of any visa for a longer stay, as is the case for example with Chinese citizens. Temporary residence represents the residence permit of a foreign citizen who intends to stay in the Republic of Serbia for more than 90 days.

Russian citizens can obtain temporary residence in the Republic of Serbia on the basis of:


The Republic of Serbia represents a true oasis for the establishment of companies of Russian citizens who decide to relocate their business from the territory of the Russian Federation, which is affected by severe economic sanctions. Given that the Republic of Serbia has not imposed sanctions on the Russian Federation, Russian companies are welcome here, which can operate smoothly and carry out payment transactions through accounts in Serbian banks. In order to establish a company, it is necessary for a Russian citizen to have a valid passport. The process of establishing a company takes up to 5 working days starting from the day of submitting the application for establishing a company.

Russian citizens must meet the following conditions for obtaining temporary residence:

  • registration of the residence address in the apartment/house on the territory of the Republic of Serbia
  • possession of sufficient funds for support during the stay in the Republic of Serbia, which implies the obligation to open an account of a natural person in a Serbian bank and deposit money;
  • possession of health insurance policy that covers the costs of treatment in the territory of the Republic of Serbia

The request for a temporary residence permit is submitted to the Directorate for Foreign Nationals within the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia. Russian citizens are obliged to submit a request for a temporary residence permit within 30 days from the day of entry into the Republic of Serbia. After submitting a request, Russian citizens have the legal right to continue their stay in the Republic of Serbia until the competent authority makes a decision regarding their request. It takes about 30 days for the decision.

Temporary residence is granted for a maximum period of one year. If Russian citizens intend to stay longer than one year in the Republic of Serbia, they are obliged to submit a request for extension of temporary residence for another year no later than 30 days before the expiration of the temporary residence permit. Russian citizens can extend their temporary residence until they meet the conditions for permanent residence in the Republic of Serbia.


Members of the immediate family of Russian citizens who have been granted temporary residence or permanent residence in the Republic of Serbia, may receive temporary residence on the basis of family reunification. This right is reserved for spouses, common-law partners and their children up to the age of 18. Exceptionally, the parents of a Russian citizen would also have this right if they depend on him and do not have adequate family care in the Russian Federation, as well as an adult child who has not concluded marriage and who cannot meet his needs due to his health condition.

It is necessary for family members of Russian citizens to provide proof of kinship issued by the competent authorities in the Russian Federation. The temporary residence of a family member is granted for a period of one year, and it cannot last longer than the temporary residence of the Russian citizen with whom family reunification is requested. After one year, the temporary residence can be extended.


The purchase of residential real estate (apartment/house) in Serbia is a legal basis for obtaining a temporary residence permit for Russian citizens. Russian citizens have the right to buy real estate in the Republic of Serbia, and in this segment they are completely equal to Serbian citizens. The Law on Foreigners does not set any restrictions regarding the size of the housing unit, nor regarding the price of the real estate.

The Agreement on the Purchase and Sale of Real Estate is concluded before Notary. After the conclusion of the Agreement, the Notary submits a request to the Real Estate Cadastre for the registration of the buyer as the new owner of the real estate. Russian citizens do not have to wait for the completion of the process of registration of property rights before the Real Estate Cadastre, but on the basis of the Agreement on the Purchase and Sale, they can submit a request for obtaining a temporary residence permit in the Republic of Serbia.


In order for Russian citizens who have been granted temporary residence in the Republic of Serbia to be able to legally work here, it is necessary to obtain a work permit. A work permit represents a document on the basis of which a foreigner can be employed or self-employed in the Republic of Serbia.

Russian citizens who are founders of companies or entrepreneurial businesses in the Republic of Serbia are obliged to obtain a work permit for self-employment. On the other hand, Serbian employers who employ Russian citizens are obliged to obtain work permits for employment for them. The procedure for obtaining a work permit for employment is somewhat more complex because it must be preceded by the so-called the employment market test, which implies an examination of whether there are Serbian citizens or foreigners with permanent residence in the Republic of Serbia on the employment market who meet the conditions for performing jobs for which a Russian citizen is employed.

The work permit is issued for the duration of the temporary residence permit, and for a maximum period of one year. The request for the extension of the work permit must be submitted no later than 30 days before the expiration of the validity period of the existing work permit.

For more information on this matter, it is best to contact a lawyer.




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